Specializing in Artifacts and Dug Relics
The merchandise sold through our web site and catalogs is unconditionally guaranteed to be completely authentic. Repairs or modifications will always be noted. Condition reports will be as accurate as possible. In many regards, photographs help ensure your prior satisfaction by showing details and patina in advance. You are encouraged to call or E-mail prior to purchase to ask more specific questions. We will never put an object of any
questionable validity up for sale. There's enough good stuff out there! And we judge our the lasting value of our honor by the same standards as would fine old Civil War gentlemen.
If you are disappointed in any way, you can return any item(s) within three days (3) for a complete refund minus shipping costs. Items must be in same condition as when shipped originally to you. Then, payment will be mailed regular post that same day as a company check. But if any item(s) are offered for resale via private transaction, auction, or Internet, during that 3-day period, your right to return them becomes null and void immediately.
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