To Purchase:
- To ask questions about purchasing specific items, kindly Email us at clifford@joshuasattic.com.
- To put an item "on hold" or to purchase it, simply Email your request to us.
- For your convenience, a PayPal shopping-cart can tally and charge your purchases to your existing PayPal account.
- No additional item discounts will be given on any item(s) purchased by using PayPal.
- Kindly make all payments directly to "Joshua's Attic."
- Mail payments to: Joshua's Attic, PMB 263, 590 Centerville Road, Lancaster, PA., 17601.
- Purchases using the more "immediate" forms of payment such as Postal Money Orders, Bank Checks and PayPal will typically be shipped within one or two days.
- We do not accept any credit cards directly at this time, except by using the online payment feature and paypal.
- Personal or business checks require approximately ten days to fully clear their parent bank before item is shipped to Buyer.
- A 6% Sales Tax currently applies within Pennsylvania.
- Sorry, but due to bookkeeping problems and frequent Inventory Turnover Delays, Joshua’s Attic no longer offers Layaway options for purchasing its Merchandise.”
