Specializing in Artifacts and Dug Relics

#17731 - 1840 Kirshbaum Cavalry saber Wristbreaker
The cavalry saber of the early Civil War was the heavier "wrist breaker" Model 1840. Many blades imported from renowned German blade making centers for assembly in the USA. This knight's head logo is for Kirschbaum maker. This sword has clearly battled its way through conflicts. Leather wrap and some grip wire missing. Handle intact but minimally loose to blade. Blade has both light peppering and shine. Full length. No scabbard. If you like war savaged relics, then go for this!

Type:  |  Condition: Very Good  |  Price: $235.00
Shipping & Handling: $34.00
(please note additional shipping outside continental U.S.A.)

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